Sunday, May 29, 2011

First Day (s)

Had a long and icky flight with not enough sleep, bad coffee and a sociopath 2-year old in the next seat. We were rewarded with a smooth transaction and the bike as advertised. We had some challenges getting all our stuff strapped on the bike but managed to get on the road by 2pm. The seller Rick was awesome and a huge help. He is sending some stuff to us by UPS.

We rode though 2 or 3 thunderstorms but only for the first 75 miles. After that it was on and off light rain. We had a minivan bite the wall right in front of us and had to go around the debris. We made it to St Louis about 8pm.

We are spending the day and tomorrow night with our friends in muggy St Louis, then we will be heading out early Monday.

The bike is great but a little loud. I didn't wear earplugs at first and I was nearly deaf after an hour. I also need to adjust the brake pedal for my height. Other than that, it's great. Oh yea, that windshield turned out to be a great idea. Sorry no pictures today but the only one that might have been interesting was the grain elevator museum  (no kidding) but it was raining really hard and I didn't stop.

More later . . .

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous! I hope you have a really nice trip and I plan on following your progress. Hope you get a chance to put up lots of photos.

    Don Baldwin, MBA
